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Factors To Consider When Choosing A Broker For Trading At Forex Market

With such a diverse selection, picking a reliable broker is a daunting task, but there are some universal tips which will help to make the right decision.

Why May Your Broker Refuse To Withdraw Money?

Why can a broker be reluctant to pay money out and what shall you do retrieve your earnings?

How To Detect A Reliable Broker From A Bad Actor?

If you think of becoming a trader, start your carrier not with learning the Forex basics but with learning how to distinguish trustworthy brokerages from shady operators.

Site rules and disclaimer

1. General conditions

1.1 Any use of materials and services of the Site is regulated by the norms of the current legislation.

1.2 This Agreement is a public offer. Getting access to the materials of the Site the User is considered to have joined this Agreement.

1.3 The Site Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes come into force after 3 (Three) days from the moment of placing the new version of the Agreement on the site. In case of disagreement of the User with the changes made, he or she shall be obliged to give up access to the Site and stop using the materials and services of the Site.

2. User’s obligations

2.1 The User agrees not to take any actions that may be considered as violating legislation or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, as well as any actions that lead to or may lead to the disruption of normal operation of the Website and services

2.2 The use of the Site materials in the print media is allowed only with the written consent of the right holder.

2.3 When citing materials of the Site, including protected copyrighted works, the reference to the Site is obligatory, and the reference must be active, must have the appearance of a reference, and not closed from indexing by search engines.

2.4 Comments and other records of the User on the Website shall not contradict the requirements of the legislation and generally accepted standards of morality and ethics.

2.5 The User is warned that the Website Administration is not responsible for visiting and using external resources, links to which may be contained on the Website.

2.6 The User agrees that the Site Administration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or arisen losses or damages related to any content of the Site, copyright registration and information about such registration, goods or services available on or received through external sites or resources or other contacts of the User, which he entered into using the information placed on the Site or links to external resources.

2.7 The User accepts that all or any part of the materials and services of the Site may be accompanied by advertising. The User agrees that the Site Administration is not responsible and has no obligations in connection with such advertising.

3. Other conditions

3.1 All possible disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be settled in accordance with the applicable laws.

3.2 Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations or any other relations between the User and the Administration of the Website that are not directly provided for by the Agreement.

3.3 The court’s recognition of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or unenforceable shall not invalidate any other provisions of the Agreement.

3.4 Inaction on the part of the Website Administration in case of violation of the provisions of the Agreement by any of the Users does not deprive the Website Administration of the right to take appropriate actions later in defense of its interests and copyright protection for the Website materials protected in accordance with the legislation.

4. Disclaimer of liability

4.1 The information posted on the pages of the Site is intended for free acquaintance of users with the issues that may be of interest to them.

4.2 All information is provided in its original form, without warranties of completeness or timeliness, and without other express or implied warranties. Access to and use of the Site and its Content is at your sole discretion and risk.

4.3 The Administration (site owners, officers, directors, shareholders, founders, editors, employees, agents, administrators, supermoderators, moderators, moderators, moderators, routers, curators and other representatives) makes every effort to provide users with accurate and reliable information, but at the same time does not exclude the possibility of errors.

4.4 The Site and its Content are provided freely as an act of good faith, on an “as is” basis, without entering into any agreements or contracts between you, the users of this Site, the Administration, the owners of the servers on which it is hosted, or anyone else, in any way related to this or its related projects, which [the contracts] may become the subject of direct claims.

4.5. The Administration makes no representations or warranties with respect to the Site and its Content, including, but not limited to, the timeliness, relevance, accuracy, completeness, reliability, availability or appropriateness for any particular purpose of the Site and the Content, that the use of the Site will not cause errors, it will be safe and uninterrupted, that the Administration will correct any errors, or that there will be no viruses or other malicious codes on the Site, as well as that the Content and the Site do not violate the rights of third parties.

4.6 Some links on this Site lead to resources located on third party sites. These links are placed for the convenience of users and do not mean that the Administration approves the content of other sites. In addition, the Administration of the Site does not bear any responsibility for the availability of these resources and their content. This statement applies to all links provided on the Site, and materials of all websites accessible through banners and links on the website at

4.7 It is not the responsibility of the Administration to control the legality or illegality of the transmitted information (any, including, but not limited to, information transmitted between users, internal transmission of information in the form of various references, texts or archives), the definition of property rights or the legality of the transfer, reception or use of this information.

4.8 The Administration takes reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy, relevance and legality of the Content, but it does not assume responsibility for the actions of individuals or organizations, directly or otherwise carried out on the basis of information available on the Site or obtained through it, as provided by the Administration, and third parties.

4.9. In accordance with applicable law, the Administration disclaims any representations and warranties, the provision of which may otherwise be implied, and disclaims liability with respect to the Site, the Content and their use. Under no circumstances will the Administration of the Site be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damage as a result of any use of information on this Site or on any other site to which there is a hyperlink from our Site, dependence, loss of productivity, dismissal or interruption of employment, as well as deductions from educational institutions, for any loss of profit, business interruption, loss of programs or data in your information systems or otherwise, caused by access, use or inability to use the Site, the Content or any linked Internet site, or the inoperability, error, omission, interruption, defect, downtime or delay in transmission, computer virus or system failure, even if the administration is expressly advised of the possibility of such damage.

4.10. Advertising placed on the Site is the responsibility of the advertiser only. The Site specifically notifies that it does not guarantee the possibility to purchase or use any goods or services at prices and / or on terms specified in advertising blocks (texts, banners). You agree that the Site is not responsible for any consequences (including any damage) resulting from any relationship with advertisers.

4.11. The Site allows users to post comments to published materials. The Site does not bear any responsibility for the content of comments and accuracy of the information published in them, and the Site is not responsible for any recommendations or opinions that may be contained in the comments. In addition, since the Internet does not provide fully reliable protection of information, the Site is not responsible for the information sent via the Internet.

4.12. By sending materials to the Site, the sending party guarantees and confirms that it has the copyright to these materials, has received permission to publish from the copyright holder, or that these materials are in the public domain and are posted in accordance with the law or the requirements of the original source. The sender also warrants and represents that the recipient has full and unlimited right to send these materials and that such sending does not infringe anybody’s rights and legitimate interests.

4.13. The site may use identification cookies to store both your personal and general information. “Cookies are small text files that can be used by the website to identify repeat visitors, facilitate access and use by the visitor to the website, as well as to track visitor requests and gather general information to improve content. By using the Site, you consent to the use of cookies by the Site.

4.14. The administration reserves the right to make changes without notice to users. Also, the Administration is not responsible for changing, editing or deleting any information you have added to the Site or other related projects.

4.15. The Administration has the right to deny access to the Site to any User or group of Users without explanation of the reasons for their actions and prior notice.

4.16. The Administration has the right to change or delete links to information, graphics, sound and other data posted by Users on the Website without prior notice and explanation of the reasons for their actions.

4.17. Any trademarks, signs and names of goods, services and organizations, design rights, copyrights and related rights that are mentioned, used or quoted on the pages of the Site belong to their legal owners and their use here does not give you the right to any other use. Unless otherwise specified, the pages of this site are not connected in any way with the right holders, and no one except the right holders can dispose of the rights to use the materials protected by copyright. You are responsible for the use of these and similar materials.

4.18. Reading, distributing or modifying the information on this site may violate the laws of the country in which you are viewing this site.

4.19. The User agrees that all possible disputes will be resolved according to the EU law.

4.20. The User agrees that the norms and laws on consumer protection cannot be applied to the use of the Site, because it does not provide services on a prohibitive basis.

4.21. Inaction on the part of the Administration in case of violation of the User Agreement by the User or a group of Users does not deprive the Administration of the right to take appropriate actions to protect the interests of the Website later.

4.22. All the rights to the materials located on the Website are protected in accordance with the EU and RF legislation, including the legislation on copyright and related rights.

4.23. Layout of pages, logo, graphics and drawings placed on this Website are protected by copyright.

4.23. If any of the terms and conditions are invalidated under applicable law, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

User agreement (public offer)

By using this Site, you agree to the “Disclaimer” and the Terms of Use and accept all responsibility that may be assigned to you.